Labyrinth - Dove tutto è possibile (1986)
Where everything seems possible and nothing is what it seems.
poster Labyrinth - Dove tutto è possibile
Voto TMDb:
7.3/10 (1897 voti)

Paese:Stati Uniti, 102 minuti


Genere(i):Avventura, Famiglia, Fantasy

Regista:Jim Henson

Codec Video:Unknown

Numero: 1604

When teen Sarah is forced to babysit Toby, her baby stepbrother, she summons Jareth the Goblin King to take him away. When he is actually kidnapped, Sarah is given just thirteen hours to solve a labyrinth and rescue him.


photo David Bowie
David Bowie Jareth
photo Jennifer Connelly
Jennifer Connelly Sarah
photo Toby Froud
Toby Froud Toby
photo Shelley Thompson
Shelley Thompson Stepmother
photo Christopher Malcolm
Christopher Malcolm Father

Supporto: Sconosciuto,

In prestito: No

Rapporto: Unknown