Porgy and Bess (1959)
Introducing a new era in motion pictures!
poster Porgy and Bess
Voto TMDb:
6.5/10 (18 voti)

Paese:Stati Uniti, 138 minuti


Genere(i):Musica, Drammatico, Romantico

Regista:Otto Preminger

Codec Video:Unknown

Numero: 1986

Set in the early 1900s in the fictional Catfish Row section of Charleston, South Carolina, which serves as home to a black fishing community, the story focuses on the titular characters, crippled beggar Porgy, who travels about in a goat-drawn cart, and the drug-addicted Bess, who lives with stevedore Crown, the local bully.


photo Sidney Poitier
Sidney Poitier Porgy
photo Dorothy Dandridge
Dorothy Dandridge Bess
photo Sammy Davis Jr.
Sammy Davis Jr. Sportin' Life
photo Pearl Bailey
Pearl Bailey Maria
photo Brock Peters
Brock Peters Crowne
photo Diahann Carroll
Diahann Carroll Clara
photo Leslie Scott
Leslie Scott Jake
photo Ruth Attaway
Ruth Attaway Serena Robbins
photo Claude Akins
Claude Akins Detective
photo Clarence Muse
Clarence Muse Peter
photo Everdinne Wilson
Everdinne Wilson Annie
photo Ivan Dixon
Ivan Dixon Jim
photo Scatman Crothers
Scatman Crothers Crabman
photo Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou Dancer
photo Nichelle Nichols
Nichelle Nichols Dancer

Supporto: LaserDisc,

In prestito: No

Rapporto: Unknown