Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968)
The most fantasmagorical musical entertainment in the history of everything!
poster Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Voto TMDb:
6.8/10 (499 voti)

Paese:Stati Uniti, 144 minuti

Lingua:Inglese, Russo

Genere(i):Famiglia, Musica, Avventura, Fantasy, Commedia

Regista:Ken Hughes

Codec Video:Unknown

Numero: 342

A hapless inventor finally finds success with a flying car, which a dictator from a foreign government sets out to take for himself.


photo Dick Van Dyke
Dick Van Dyke Caractacus Potts
photo Sally Ann Howes
Sally Ann Howes Truly Scrumptious
photo Lionel Jeffries
Lionel Jeffries Grandpa Potts
photo Gert Fröbe
Gert Fröbe Baron Bomburst
photo Anna Quayle
Anna Quayle Baroness Bomburst
photo Benny Hill
Benny Hill Toymaker
photo James Robertson Justice
James Robertson Justice Lord Scrumptious
photo Robert Helpmann
Robert Helpmann Child Catcher
photo Barbara Windsor
Barbara Windsor Blonde
photo Davy Kaye
Davy Kaye Admiral
photo Alexander Doré
Alexander Doré First Spy
photo Bernard Spear
Bernard Spear Second Spy
photo Stanley Unwin
Stanley Unwin Chancellor
photo Peter Arne
Peter Arne Captain of Guard
photo Heather Ripley
Heather Ripley Jemima Potts
photo Adrian Hall
Adrian Hall Jeremy Potts
photo Desmond Llewelyn
Desmond Llewelyn George Coggins
photo Victor Maddern
Victor Maddern Junkman
photo Arthur Mullard
Arthur Mullard Cyril, Big Man
photo Ross Parker
Ross Parker Chef
photo Gerald Campion
Gerald Campion Minister
photo Felix Felton
Felix Felton Minister
photo Monti DeLyle
Monti DeLyle Minister
photo Totti Truman Taylor
Totti Truman Taylor Duchess
photo Larry Taylor
Larry Taylor Lieutenant
photo Max Bacon
Max Bacon Orchestra Leader
photo Max Wall
Max Wall Inventor
photo John Heawood
John Heawood Inventor
photo Michael Darbyshire
Michael Darbyshire Inventor
photo Kenneth Waller
Kenneth Waller Inventor

Supporto: Sconosciuto,

In prestito: No

Rapporto: Unknown