Il Ladro di Bagdad - The Thief of Bagdad (1940)
GIGANTIC! The Wonder Picture of All Time!
poster Il Ladro di Bagdad - The Thief of Bagdad
Voto TMDb:
7.2/10 (200 voti)

Paese:Stati Uniti, 106 minuti


Genere(i):Azione, Avventura, Famiglia, Fantasy

Regista:Michael Powell, Ludwig Berger, Tim Whelan

Codec Video:Unknown

Numero: 765

When Prince Ahmad is blinded and cast out of Bagdad by the nefarious Jaffar, he joins forces with the scrappy thief Abu to win back his royal place, as well as the heart of a beautiful princess.


photo Conrad Veidt
Conrad Veidt Jaffar
photo Sabu
Sabu Abu
photo June Duprez
June Duprez Princess
photo John Justin
John Justin Ahmad
photo Rex Ingram
Rex Ingram Djinn

Supporto: Sconosciuto,

In prestito: No

Rapporto: Unknown