Minority Report (2002)
The system is perfect until it comes after you.
poster Minority Report
Voto TMDb:
7.3/10 (7121 voti)

Paese:Stati Uniti, 145 minuti

Lingua:Inglese, Svedese

Genere(i):Azione, Thriller, Sci-Fi, Mistero

Regista:Steven Spielberg

Codec Video:Unknown

Numero: 812

John Anderton is a top 'Precrime' cop in the late-21st century, when technology can predict crimes before they're committed. But Anderton becomes the quarry when another investigator targets him for a murder charge.


photo Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise Chief John Anderton
photo Colin Farrell
Colin Farrell Danny Witwer
photo Samantha Morton
Samantha Morton Agatha
photo Max von Sydow
Max von Sydow Director Lamar Burgess
photo Peter Stormare
Peter Stormare Dr. Solomon Eddie

Supporto: Sconosciuto,

In prestito: No

Rapporto: Unknown