Pirati! Briganti da strapazzo - The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists! 3D (2012)
It's a plunderful life
poster Pirati! Briganti da strapazzo - The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists! 3D
Voto TMDb:
6.4/10 (883 voti)

Paese:Stati Uniti, 88 minuti


Genere(i):Animazione, Avventura, Famiglia, Commedia

Regista:Peter Lord

Codec Video:Unknown

Numero: 929

The luxuriantly bearded Pirate Captain is a boundlessly enthusiastic, if somewhat less-than-successful, terror of the High Seas. With a rag-tag crew at his side, and seemingly blind to the impossible odds stacked against him, the Captain has one dream: to beat his bitter rivals Black Bellamy and Cutlass Liz to the much coveted Pirate of the Year Award. It’s a quest that takes our heroes from the shores of exotic Blood Island to the foggy streets of Victorian London. Along the way they battle a diabolical queen and team up with a haplessly smitten young scientist, but never lose sight of what a pirate loves best: adventure!


photo Hugh Grant (voce)
Hugh Grant (voce) Pirate Captain
photo Martin Freeman (voce)
Martin Freeman (voce) The Pirate with a Scarf
photo Imelda Staunton (voce)
Imelda Staunton (voce) Queen Victoria
photo David Tennant (voce)
David Tennant (voce) Charles Darwin
photo Jeremy Piven (voce)
Jeremy Piven (voce) Black Bellamy
photo Salma Hayek (voce)
Salma Hayek (voce) Cutlass Liz
photo Lenny Henry (voce)
Lenny Henry (voce) Peg Leg Hastings
photo Brian Blessed (voce)
Brian Blessed (voce) The Pirate King
photo Russell Tovey (voce)
Russell Tovey (voce) The Albino Pirate
photo Anton Yelchin (voce)
Anton Yelchin (voce) The Albino Pirate
photo Brendan Gleeson (voce)
Brendan Gleeson (voce) The Pirate with Gout
photo Ashley Jensen (voce)
Ashley Jensen (voce) The Surprisingly Curaceous Pirate
photo Al Roker (voce)
Al Roker (voce) The Pirate Who Likes Sunsets and Kittens
photo Ben Whitehead (voce)
Ben Whitehead (voce) The Pirate Who Likes Sunsets and Kittens
photo David Schneider (voce)
David Schneider (voce) Scarlett Morgan
photo Mike Cooper (voce)
Mike Cooper (voce) Admiral Collingwood
photo Tom Doggart (voce)
Tom Doggart (voce) Additional Voices
photo Sophie Jerrold (voce)
Sophie Jerrold (voce) Additional Voices
photo Sophie Laughton (voce)
Sophie Laughton (voce) Additional Voices
photo Peter Lord (voce)
Peter Lord (voce) Additional Voices
photo Kayvan Novak (voce)
Kayvan Novak (voce) Additional Voices
photo David Schaal (voce)
David Schaal (voce) Additional Voices
photo Mitchell Mullen (voce)
Mitchell Mullen (voce) Gameshow Host

Supporto: Sconosciuto,

In prestito: No

Rapporto: Unknown